Sunday, November 16, 2008


I've already posted about my nieces but they're so wonderful so I decided to post about them again. Riley is the oldest and she is 5 and Rachel just turned 1 in October.

My nieces are the best! They're cute and they always make me happy, even when Riley makes fun of me. I love it when I get to see them because I don't get to see them very much.

Riley is soo big. I remember when she was born, and it doesn't feel like it was that long ago. I can't believe she's 5 years old! She is so tall! I love her a lot. She makes fun of me all of the time and gets mad at me but I still love her. I pretty much love all little kids. Riley is one of the smartest kids I know. She can already count in Spanish, knows her ABC's, knows the animals, know all of the colors, and she can spell really good.

Rachel is also big. I'm glad that she isn't old enough to talk because I already get made fun of enough by Riley ;]. Plus I don't want her to grow up. I love it when she tries to talk and just goes on and on like she's the smartest girl in the world. Rachel has beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile.

My nieces are so wonderful. I'm glad that I have them because I don't know what I would do without them. They are so beautiful and nice. I love little kids because they make life seem so easy and they always make me happy. I'm always happy when I'm with them. Even though they're young, they're still an example to me in the different things they do. I just love them! =]

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the temple for baptisms for the dead. We left at 1230 and we just barely got home(it's 8:00ish now)!!! We were there forever but it was worth it because it was a wonderful experience.

I always love to go to the temple for baptisms for the dead. There is always a strong spirit in the temple, and it makes me feel better to know that I got to serve somebody. The temple food is also way yummy!

On the way home from the temple we played this game where we had to quote movies back and forth. It was pretty fun but I didn't know some of the movies. We played other games too. I just love going to the temple because the friends that you go with are good people and you don't have to worry about what music you're going to listen to or what they're going to do.

As you can tell I just love the temple. Sorry if this sounded really repetative but I really didn't know what else to say. I'm speechless.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pumpkin Day!

Yesterday had to be one of the best Pumpkin Day's ever! I had so much fun! I was with Alisha all day(of course!). School was probably the worst part of the day, but the whole day was fun.

At school, in French, we watched The Birds. It was way scary! I'm scared that I'm going to have dreams now of birds chasing me and trying to eat me. I hate scary movies!

After school me and Alisha went to her house to get ready. I can't really tell you what she was but she looked way freaky. I don't really even know what I was. I had a black shirt and black shorts. I was wearing striped orange and black tights. My hair was in cute little girl pig tails. I didn't want to dress up as something scary, because I don't like scary things as you could probably tell.

As soon as we got ready we went trick-or-treating. It was the funnest ever. I hate when people tell me that I'm too old to go trick-or-treating because it should be for everyone. It is not begging for candy either. Trick-or-treating is like trading candy because you give out candy too. Trick-or-treating is fun and it also helps you lose weight with all the walking you do!

At 730 Alisha at I went to the corn patch. Alisha had to be in it and I had to take tickets. After a while there wasn't anybody coming so Neil made me and Allison(she was also taking tickets with me) go through it. I was really scared. It didn't really scare me though because I knew what to expect. I tried to scream so that they wouldn't get bored. The whole point of me and Allison going through there was so that they wouldn't get bored and do a crappy job when the other people come. I tried to act scared but I probably did a horrible job of it.

We then went to Alisha's house and changed into different clothes and Alisha washed off her make up. We went to a party that was actually pretty fun. At the party we played doughnuts on a string, bobbing for apples(which I didn't do), and shaving balloons. We also played kick ball with a piniata(sp) and broke it on the first kick. I got tons of candy!

Alisha and I went back to her house at about 1130 and went to bed. We didn't go to sleep though. We sat there and talked and ate our candy forever! After a while we just got bored of talking and I was out pretty quick.

Well, that was my wonderful Halloween! I bet you're jealous! Actually, probably not because I'm sure all of you guys had an amazing Halloween too!

P.S. I stole this picture from my cousins blog because it was really funny and I didn't have a Halloween picture to put on my post.