Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is my mother's birthday! It came so fast this year! Everything this year is going by so fast! I'm just glad I didn't forget it because that would be super sad. My mom is now 49, wahoo!

Also, just yesterday my step neice had her baby! His name is Macen and I can't wait to see him. I'm sure he's super cute, or handsom. I'm a great aunt! Wahoo! It sounds kind of weird to say, but it doesn't even phase me. He's just another cute little baby.

The dates of birthdays in my family is really confusing. My mom's is 2/23, my nephews is 2/22, mine is 3/22, and my brothers is 3/23! How weird is that? I think it's pretty weird, but it's kind of cool at the same time.

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