Monday, January 3, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Since I am living with my brother, I got to be in their family Christmas picture this year. We weren't even going to do a picture, but considering we have three brothers in jail and a sister in Georgia, we thought it would be a good Christmas present!

Christmas this year was good, but it definitely didn't feel like Christmas. There was no snow! I have had a white Christmas before, but I have definitely never had a "wet" christmas before. I was so sick of the rain. This was also my first Christmas away from home, so that just added on to the non Christmas feeling. This year I had to work the day before and the day after Christmas, which wasn't exactly fun.

On Christmas Even we went to our cousin Kolden's house. We ate dinner with her and her family and just talked for a while. Once we got home we had to wait for Rachel to get to bed so we could wrap her presents and put them under the tree. Getting her to go to bed is nearly impossible! We were up until about 2 in the morning before we could wrap her presents! The reason we don't wrap her presents before is because she would unwrap them before christmas.

Christmas morning Trav, Stef, and I woke up before the kids did! We went and woke up Rachel and she was super ornery! We told her that Santa had came and she could honestly care less. Then we told her that he brought her presents and she jumped right up and ran into the living room! As soon as she got in there she just started grabbing presents and wanting to open them. She thought ALL of the presents were her's! We had to explain to her that Santa had brought all of us presents.

After we opened presents we went to pick up Riley from her mom's and then we headed to Beaver to visit my brother Tyler. Visting Tyler was probably the best part of my Christmas. I miss him so much! It makes me sad when my brothers make stupid mistakes to get them in trouble because I love them so much and I want them to do good!

Riley got to open her presents when we got home. Santa brought her a bike and she was way excited! Rachel got pots and pans to cook like her mom, and she also got a cinderella baby with a stroller and a swing. Rachel loves being like her mom. Rayson got a toy that he absolutely loves! I got him a little monkey suit and he looks so cute in it! (:

I got to come home on the 27th and visit with my parents. It's nice visiting with my parents. My parents spoil me so much! Most youngest kids will tell you that they are not spoiled, but I definitely am spoiled. I was expecting to get maybe like one little present since i am moved out now. I got and iPod touch, $50 iTunes card, $60 maurices card, CTR ring/necklace, and a movie! All of my other siblings got chocolates and a present for each of their kids!

I also got to visit with my brother Nathan and his family when I came home because they came and visited for a couple of days. They were going to stay longer, but they weren't even supposed to come at all because Amanda's doctor didn't want her to travel. She is due in about a month, but she has never carried a baby full term so she could have it any day. Since it snowed they decided they better go home before get stuck here without her doctor, which is totally understandable.

Christmas ended up being pretty good this year! It was fun to see the kids excitement when they saw that Santa had came and brought them presents. Kids definitely make Christmas exciting!

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