Friday, October 17, 2008


UEA is supposed to be fun right? It's a break off of school and you should be totally excited about it! I was until the break started. UEA has not been fun at all.

My best friend, Alisha, is not even here to hang out with me. She is visiting her friend up north, and she's also up there to take some acting classes. At least she's doing something she loves.

Dustin is hunting, and doing whatever this weekend. I don't know exactly what but I'm sure he's having fun.

Yesterday was probably the most boring day of my life. I had to go to the doctor with my mom and dad for my mom's doctors appointment which was really boring. Then we got a flu shot, which I didn't know we were getting. My arm is still sore which is very strange.

Today has also been boring. I have done absolutely nothing today, and I feel extremely lazy. I need people to hang out with.

I'm not good at making things interesting and fun because if I was I probably would be having a much better time. I also wouldn't be waisting my time on the computer. Hmm. Well, that's about it. That's my UEA.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Thursday was fun, because I hung out with my friend all day and had a late over :)

Today has been a bit boring. :P None of my friends could hang out.

And tomorrow I am going to my cousins funeral... sigh
So yeah, I get what you are talking about. :)